创意思考卡08〈换个角度看世界 Look at the world from another angle〉

〈换个角度看世界 Look at the world from another angle〉
创意思考卡 Creative Thinking Card No.08




Look at the world from another angle

We are always accustomed to seeing things from the same angle. This time we switch a little bit. You need to see things from a different angle. When you look down at the world from a high place, it is very different from the world you usually see.

Think about it if it was an ant, how would he solve this problem?
Think about it if you stand on the shoulders of giants and think about it, how would you think about it a little further?
Think about you pretending to swim in the water with a diving respirator. What do you think of this problem?
If you think like a child, how will a child solve this problem?
If you look at it from the perspective of a bystander, what problems do you see happen to yourself, or bottlenecks encountered by others, how would you solve this problem?


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