创意思考卡04〈循环赛头脑风暴法 Round-Robin Brainstorming〉

〈循环赛头脑风暴法 Round-Robin Brainstorming〉
创意思考卡 Creative Thinking Card No.04




Round-Robin Brainstorming

The traditional brainstorming method often occurs when the discussion is limited to the dominant individual and their ideas. To solve this problem, round-robin brainstorming gives everyone the opportunity to contribute to the discussion. The following five steps can allow team members to generate a lot of ideas in a short time.

The first step: each team member quietly thinks and writes down ideas on paper or cards within the specified time.
Step 2: Each person passes the card to the person next to him, or the moderator collects all the cards and randomly reassigns them to each team member.
Step 3: Each team member uses the ideas of neighbors or other people to inspire different new ideas, and write down the ideas on the card within the specified time.
Step 4: Continue to pass the card again, multiple rounds can be performed, until a sufficient number of ideas are accumulated.
Step 5: When the time is up, the moderator collects all the ideas and discusses with the group to make choices and evaluate the feasibility of these ideas.


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