创意思考卡02〈脑力书写 6-3-5 Brainwriting 6-3-5〉

脑力书写 6-3-5


脑力书写 6-3-5,六人一组,每轮产生三个想法,每轮持续五分钟,也就是说,参与者需要每一个回合的5分钟内,在特定工作表上写下3个想法,并将工作表传递给坐在右边的团队成员,每一位团队成员在拿到左边团队成员的工作表后需要继续写下3个想法,如此重复经过6个回合后,结果是,在30分钟内产生了108个想法。

Brainwriting 6-3-5

A typical brainstorming requires participants to speak out their ideas for brainstorming. On the contrary, Brainwriting requires participants not to speak their own ideas, but to write down the ideas and pass them anonymously.

Brainwriting 6-3-5, groups of six people, each round produces three ideas, each round lasts for five minutes, that is to say, the participants need to write 3 ideas on a specific worksheet within 5 minutes of each round and pass the worksheet to the team members sitting on the right. Each team member needs to write down 3 ideas after getting the worksheet of the team member on the left. After 6 rounds of repeating this, the result is 108 ideas were generated in 30 minutes.


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