创意思考卡01〈反向头脑风暴法 Reverse Brainstorming〉


创意思考卡 No.01









Reverse Brainstorming

The typical brainstorming method requires participants to have good ideas to solve the problem, and the reverse brainstorming method is a process of turning the typical brainstorming method upside down.

The reverse brainstorming method does not require participants to come up with good ideas to solve the problem, but instead requires them to come up with ideas that disrupt the process or fail to achieve the goal.


• A typical brainstorming question: How can we improve customer service?

• A reverse brainstorming question: How do we make customer service bad and make each of our customers give up using our products or services?

• A typical brainstorming question: How do we ensure the success of the project?

• A reverse brainstorming question: How do we ensure that the project fails completely?

Reverse brainstorming allows participants to know what is invalid, then participants have the methods needed to achieve their goals.


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